Saturday, April 26, 2008

How did I start diving?

It was during the year I dabbled in marketing. I didn't last that year; in July 01 and out by April 02. Even that was two months later than when I had intended to leave; they'd asked me to stay longer than the date I had supplied in my letter of resignation. Even after that, they asked me to come in and freelance for a while. I was 'in charge' of the press office for a big local group of companies that had businesses in varied industries.

Before that I had a year of doing bits and pieces of things here and there: editing a crappy magazine, reading children's books at live events, promoting handheld computers. But, having held a teaching position (unplanned and undesired) for the first two years following my graduation from university, I decided that I was going to give it another shot.

But it was April. Nobody was looking for teachers yet, or maybe they'd all already done their looking and hiring. Whatever the case, I couldn't get a job teaching. Luckily, I lived with my parents, so there was a roof over my head and plenty of food on the table. So, I figured I should use the little money I'd put aside and the loads of time I had on my hands to do one of the many things I really wanted to do (you know, as opposed to having a job in order to make a living). Seriously, I think I need about 20 lifetimes to do all the things that interest me and do them half decently.

And that's how I started diving.